
2024 Bouquet Subscriptions are open for signups!

We're offering both Spring and Summer Bouquet Subscriptions again this year, yay!

Spring Subscriptions start in late April and include 3 bouquets of tulip, ranunculus, and spring greens. All spring subscriptions are picked up at Clayfield Farms in Archbold. The exact pickup dates are TBD because they depend on when the flowers start blooming!

Summer Subscriptions start in mid-July and go through September. There are 4 pickup locations at local businesses in Archbold, Bryan, Defiance, and Wauseon. Most of the summer subscriptions are bi-weekly and contain either 5 or 6 bouquets. There is also a monthly option with 3 bouquets that picks up at the Farm.

What is a Bouquet Subscription?

A Bouquet Subscription is essentially a flower CSA. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and is a way for people to pre-purchase a share of the harvest from a farm and then receive fresh produce throughout the season. It is most commonly used by vegetable farms, but in this case the produce you are getting is fresh local FLOWERS!

Subscriptions that pickup at Clayfield Farms:


Gift Subscriptions are always a wonderful idea!

Bouquet Subscriptions are perfect for anyone who is hard to buy for or who doesn't need another thing to set around their house. Any of our 2024 Bouquet Subscriptions can be made into a Gift Subscription. 

When you are purchasing there is an option to select if a subscription is a gift. If you select "Yes, it is a gift" I will send you a 5 by 7 card and envelope that you can use when you are giving the gift. This card serves as something tangible for you to put under your tree or hand them when you are giving the gift.

We won't ruin the surprise! I do not send email communications to subscriptions holders until July so your secret is safe.